16 March 2019


Marine Fisheries Academy Administration

Marine Fisheries Academy is placed under the administrative control of the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock and the command of the Academy is vested on the Principal. He/ she is responsible for supervising the activities with respect to conduct, discipline, education, training of the cadets and proper functioning of the Academy as a whole. To assist in proper functioning of the training activities the academy has three administrative organ namely Academic Council, Board of Studies, Board of Discipline.


Academic Council, formed by the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, has been entrusted with an independent responsibility for academic matters. It comprises of the Principal and three Departmental Heads of the Academy, a representative of the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, a representative of Department of Fisheries and Provost of Cadet Block where Principal and Provost act as President and member secretary respectively. The Council is the chief academic adviser to the Principal and Ministry. It has a general responsibility for maintaining and setting academic standards and matters affecting the activities of the Academy. The Academic Council normally sits in every two months and also as necessary for any certain major issue.


Board of studies includes Adjutant, Provost, Departmental Head(s) and the Principal where Principal is the President. This board is responsible for maintaining standards relating to assessment and progression on both academic and professional training for the ultimate attainment of the B.Sc.(Pass) degree in Nautical, Engineering and Marine Fisheries under National University, Bangladesh. The board is also responsible to promote the relations of the academy with industry, professional bodies and other technical educational institutions. The board therefore acts as the forum for discussion on all academic works, courses committee, admissions committees, and examination committees.


In Board of Discipline, Principal acts as chairman and Departmental Head(s) & Adjutant are the members. The Board of Discipline is the main disciplinary body of the academy and is responsible for ­
(a) The management, good supervision and discipline of the Academy and formulation of regarding cadets conduct rules.
(b) The imposition, by or on behalf of the Academy, of penalties as appropriate upon cadets for of, or failure to comply with rules & regulations.
(c) Dealing of any indiscipline and misconduct of cade

37th Batch, Session (2015-16)

Nautical, Marine Engineering & Marine Fisheries Branch 37 th Batch, Session (2015-16) Nautical Marin...