Qualifications Required
Young boys of the country who wish to get admission in B.Sc. (Pass) Nautical and B.Sc. (Pass) Engineering course must have passed Secondary School certificate and Higher Secondary Certificate (Science group) Examinations with mathematics as compulsory or optional, or equivalent examinations at east in 2nd Division or must obtain at least GPA 2.50 in both the Examinations. Candidates who wish to get admission in B.Sc. (Pass) Marine Fisheries course must have passed Secondary School Certificate and Higher Secondary Certificate (Science group) Examinations with Biology as compulsory or optional, or equivalent examination at least in 2nd Division or must obtain at least GPA 2.50 in both the examinations. No candidate can apply for any or the above mentioned courses if anyone secures less than 33% marks in 4th (Optional) subject.
The applicant must be an unmarried male citizen of Bangladesh within the age limit of 16 to 20 years. Physical fitness is a legal requirement for a sea going career, thus applicants must be declared mentally and physically fit by the Medical board constituted by the government for the purpose.
Written Examination
After receiving the applications admit cards are issued to the eligible applicants for appearing at written examination after thorough scrutiny of applications. Written examination is normally held in Chittagong and Dhaka Center or in any other divisional city if necessary. None is allowed to appear for any tests without admit Card. Written test is conducted on 5 subjects and out of those answering Physics, Chemistry & English including general awareness & reasoning is compulsory for all three branches. In addition, applicants of Nautical & Engineering branches have to answer Mathematics and applicants of Marine Fisheries branch have to answer Biology. Applicants who wish to be a candidate for all the three branches have to answer all five subjects. The written examination is conducted as per standard of HSC syllabus and questions are a combination of M.C.Q. and broad type. The candidates are required to answer in the question sheets in spaces specified for the same under or at right hand side of the questions, no extra sheet is given or allowed for the purpose. Use of only non-programmed electronic calculators in the examination hall is permitted.
Interview and Viva-Voice Test
Result of the written examinations is published in few national daily newspapers. In addition, the qualified candidates are also invited by a call up letter at their present mailing addresses for interview by a Selection Board constituted by the Administrative Ministry, at Chittagong. The Board judges the suitability of candidates on the following dimensions. (a) Personality (b) Speech & expression (c) Quantitative Aptitude (d) General Awareness & Knowledge (e) Extra-curricular activities.
Medical Examination
Candidates who qualify in the interview board is informed on the next working day and then they undergo Medical & Physical examination by a Medical Board constituted by the Government as per standards laid down. All the expenses incurred for medical examination, pathological tests and X-ray is borne by the candidates directly to the concerned board or pathological laboratory.
Special Eye Sight & Color Vision Test
Candidates qualified in interview board also have to undergo a Special Eye sight & Color Vision test as per standards laid down conducted by the Mercantile Marine Department, Chittagong. Expenses incurred for this test is also borne by the candidate directly to the concerned Department.
Final Selection
On completion of all the aforesaid tests a list of successful candidates is prepared in order of merit then it is placed to Academic Council for final selection as per rules approved by the Government for admission as cadet in the Academy. After selection of required number of cadets, the rest of the qualified candidates are placed in the Waiting list in order of merit. The result of the final selection including waiting list candidates is again published in the National Dailies. Subject to eye sight & color vision classification candidates are given branch as far as possible on the basis of their preference mentioned in their application forms. The candidates finally selected to undertake a course in the Academy informed by an Offer letter, which indicates:
1) The course in which the selected candidate will join.
2) Joining date and expiry date beyond which the offer is automatically canceled (No appeal against cancellation of offer after specified expiry date is entertained).
3) Fees and other expenses to be paid to the Academy on six monthly bases in advance.
4) Prescribed form of indemnity bond/bond to be signed jointly by the cadet and the surety/parent/guardian.