6 May 2009

Career's of Nautical Branch




According to the nautical cadets’ training programme the course has been split up into terms each of one year duration. On completion of each term and cadets appear at the year final examination and after three terms the average results are complied by National University for graduation degree. During the tenure of the course in the Academy, a cadet has to undergo practical training on board fishing vessels. After successful completion of training, once the cadets are passed out from the Academy they are likely to be found working in diverse positions as Navigating officers on board the fishing and merchant vessels of both Government and Private sectors both in home and abroad. The cadets get their salaries ands allowances plus free messing and lodging as admissible under the rules. They have to serve onboard fishing vessel as officer for a period of about 24 months before they become eligible to appear for fishing vessel Mate Examinations for the Certificate of Competency as Chief Mates. After obtaining mate Certificate of Competency and then acquiring about two years recognized watch keeping service as a certificated officer, one becomes eligible to appear for the Fishing vessel Skipper examinations for the Certificate of Competency as Skipper. After certain amount of sea service the experienced navigators also serve in different shore based organizations as Director, Manager or Advisor and as Instructor in institutions of maritime education.

37th Batch, Session (2015-16)

Nautical, Marine Engineering & Marine Fisheries Branch 37 th Batch, Session (2015-16) Nautical Marin...